Contracting 101: GSA Advantage and eBuy Made Simple for Success

GSA Schedule vs eBuy, man with his fingers on computer keyboard

GSA Advantage and GSA eBuy are two platforms that you need to know how to use if you currently hold a GSA Contract, or plan to. These tools will guide your company to new opportunities to take advantage of. GSA Advantage is the ecommerce site for GSA and is primarily product based, whereas GSA eBuy is the RFQ platform and is mainly service based. Once you register your contract and create your eBuy password don’t lose it! You will need this is access your eBuy account and make changes to your GSA Advantage catalog.

Contracting 101: GSA Advantage and eBuy Made Simple for Success

How to Leverage GSA eBuy?

GSA Advantage can be compared to Amazon, it is an online ordering system where government buyers can purchase your products and services. Anyone can browse GSA Advantage, but only government employees are able to make purchases. To upload your products and services to GSA Advantage, you must use the Schedule Input Program (SIP). Whenever you need to add products, delete them, or make price changes, you will use the SIP program. You can also use this website as a tool to monitor your competitors. Find out what they are selling similar products and services for to try and get an upper hand.

GSA eBuy facilitates Requests for Quotations (RFQs) for contract holders. It can be both products and services, but a majority of the RFQs are for services. The buyer will post an RFQ and set a deadline for buyers to submit a proposal. The RFQ will include a statement of work that contains all the details of what they’re looking to purchase. eBuy will only show opportunities under your Schedule and SIN, therefore more SINs equal more opportunities. Contractors are able to receive email notifications when an RFQ is posted to make sure you are always aware when an opportunity is released. Buyers also use eBuy to do their market research by issuing Requests for Information (RFI) and sources sought.

Whether you are a new or old GSA Contractor, it is very important to be familiar with these two platforms and how they operate. Taking advantage of these tools can lead to what everyone is chasing, an increase in sales!

GSA Advantage & GSA eBuy – What Are They and How Do I Use Them?


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