V2X Wins $100M Contract for Missile Defense Support

V2X has landed a $100 million firm-fixed-price contract from the U.S. Navy to provide support services to its Aegis Ashore facilities in Poland.

Enhancing NATO Missile Defense

The company said Tuesday the firm-fixed-price contract covers support services at the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System Naval Support Facility in Redizkowo, Poland. The deal is intended to enhance integrated air and missile defense in Poland and strengthen transatlantic security, particularly against the emerging threat of ballistic missiles.

The Aegis Ashore facility plays a major role in the missile defense system of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. The site is capable of monitoring, tracking and engaging ballistic missiles in flight.

The contract comes with a one-year base period and seven one-year options. It can also be extended by an additional six months.

“This contract underscores our commitment to high-consequence missions,” said Jeremy Wensinger, president and CEO of V2X. “This award marks a significant step in strengthening NATO’s defense and protecting European populations against global threats.”

The Aegis Ashore in Poland supports other missile defense systems safeguarding NATO’s European nation. This includes its sister site in Romania, Aegis Navy destroyers in Rota, Spain and land-based early-warning radar in Turkey. V2X also provides support services to the land-based Aegis Ashore Romania.

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