Multiple Award Schedule GSA 738X is Now Easier to Access After Expanding its Offerings

In 2017, the General Services Administration (GSA) re-organized its Human Resources and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), 738 X. This helps the government reach its Category Management goals of increasing cost savings, reducing contract redundancy, and streamlining the acquisition process.

So, what does this mean for your company? The changes to the GSA 738 X Schedule makes it easier for customer agencies to identify and access human capital services and solutions. Since the GSA will be using the full spectrum of human capital professional service providers, customers can award contracts and task orders more efficiently. This provides greater small business opportunities for providers in their designated area of expertise.

The re-named Human Capital Management and Administrative Support Services Schedule 738 X contains 10 new Special Item Numbers (SINS) that define specific Human Resources service sub-categories, also known as “families”. “HR MAS 738 X is a great example of GSA adapting to the needs of the federal government – we’re providing an expanded HR solution that aligns with the Federal Human Capital Business Reference Model of OPM,” says Peter Han, GSA Northeast and Caribbean Acquisition Center Director.

Mr. Han also said, “This is a first step. We’ll continue to implement innovative strategies as we work on evolving an HR schedule that meets our customer’s needs.” The new and enhanced MAS Schedule 738 X makes it easier for customers to identify specific HR service providers while leveraging a vendor pool with 60 percent designated as small business. By providing best value and expanding opportunities for small businesses, Schedule 738 X complements the new Human Capital and Training Solutions (HCaTS) acquisition vehicle.

HR MAS 738 X is a viable candidate for “Best-in-Class” (BIC) designation, which is a contracting and acquisition classification used across government to denote contracts that meet rigorous category management performance criteria. A BIC contract is recognized as a “good-for-government” purchasing solutions which should be used by all agencies. HR MAS 738 X contracts are 5-year indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts with the provision for three option periods totaling up to 20 years ensuring continuity of services.
In 2017, over $122 million in sales were generated by small businesses under schedule 738 X. This may be a great new opportunity for your Human Resources Firm. To learn more about schedule 738 X and what it entails, take a look at our infomration on obtaining a GSA 738X.


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