Lockheed Books Potential $265M Air Force Contract for F-16 FMS Support

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Lockheed Martin’s aeronautics division has landed a potential $266 million undefinitized contract action from the U.S. Air Force for F-16 System Program Office foreign military sales support.

F-16 FMS Support Contract Details

The Department of Defense said Thursday said the contract covers an operational flight program update and transfer of F-16 aircraft from Denmark to Argentina. 

Contract work will occur in Lockheed Martin’s facility in Fort Worth, Texas as well as in Denmark and Argentina. The project will run through March 31, 2032. 

The contract, a source directed acquisition, includes FMS to Argentina. The South American nation requested the purchase of $941 million worth of F-16 aircraft equipment and support, including missiles and bombs.

The Air Force Lifecycle Management Center’s F-16 FMS Contracting Division, situated at Hill Air Force Base in Utah, awarded the contract. Funds for the project amounting to $53.2 million will be allocated at the time of award. 

In November 2023, the company was awarded a 10-year, $238 million contract for the procurement of F-16 initial spares supporting new aircraft acquisition and major fleet upgrades to foreign military sale customers, including Greece, Jordan, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore.

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