Buying Season is Over, Now What?

Fiscal Year 2019 is here and buying season is over. Government activity slows down in quarter one, but this doesn’t mean you should ignore your GSA Contract until Q3. This time of the year can be used to start preparing for the upcoming buying season. Q3 always seems far away, but it’s never too early to start planning.

This is the time of year to be reviewing your contract and determine what modifications are required. An addition modification is the best way to expand your offering to the GSA. Manufacturers often increase their prices over time, have an Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) done so you can keep your profit margin. GSA schedule pricing rules can be strict, so taking the time to make sure you have your proposed prices correct is important. Not sure what needs to be done? Give us a call and we can give your contract a free assessment. Help from government consultants can make these modifications to your contract go a lot smoother.  Changes to the contract should be done in the first and second quarter of the fiscal year to avoid pending modifications during the buying season.

Just because the government isn’t in their buying season doesn’t mean things are still not being procured or that planning is not happening. During Q1, government agencies are putting together forecasts for the upcoming year. These forecasts show buyers what projects will be coming out, budget estimations, point of contacts, etc. They contain a lot of useful information and can give you an outline to your new fiscal year plan and marketing.

Use the first and second quarter of the fiscal year to prepare instead of waiting. Having a plan in place will increase your chances of being successful during the buying season.


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