Oasis+ Proposal Secrets Unveiled: Your Path to Excellence

For those new to the GSA world, the Oasis+ proposal marks an exciting evolution of the Oasis and BIC MAC programs. In this series, we delve into the draft RFQ (Request for Quotation) for Oasis+, the next-generation solution for integrated services. If you missed our first blog about how the contract will be structured, you can catch up here. 

Oasis+ Proposal Window Closed, But More Opportunities Await!

It’s important to note that the Oasis+ proposal submission window closed on October 20th, 2023. The government agencies have received the submissions, and the evaluation process is currently underway. The proposal window is expected to reopen after the first round of awards, offering additional opportunities for businesses to participate. 

Volume 1 – General 

Volume 1 of the Oasis+ proposal plays a crucial role in providing an overview of your proposal. It sets the stage by offering a general understanding of your approach and the scope of your proposal. While not as detailed as other volumes, it is your proposal’s first impression. 

Volume 2 – Qualifying Project Experience 

Now, let’s dive into the specifics. Volume 2, Qualifying Project Experience, is a critical part of your Oasis+ proposal. This volume provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your experience in projects that meet or exceed specific criteria. It’s a chance to prove your competence and credibility. 

To qualify for this section, your project should: 

Be a contract or order for services following FAR Part 37. 

Have a minimum annual value of $250,000 (or $150,000 for QPs submitted within a mentor-protégé CTA). Be ongoing (with at least 6 months of completed performance) or completed within 5 years from the proposal due date. 

Should not have an associated record of negative past performance. 

In Volume 2, you should submit three qualifying project experiences relevant to the Oasis+ scope. Ensure that these projects meet the specified criteria as non-relevant projects can negatively impact your proposal. 

Volume 3 – Federal Prime Contractor Experience 

Volume 3 focuses on your federal prime contractor experience. This section allows you to showcase your past successes and expertise as a prime contractor for federal projects. Highlight your accomplishments and demonstrate your capabilities. 

Volume 4 – Government-Approved Systems, Rates, and Clearances 

In Volume 4, you have the opportunity to provide additional documentation that can give your proposal an edge. You’ll receive extra credit for including government-approved systems, rates, and clearances. 

Make sure to provide verification from DCAA, DCMA, or any CFA regarding your Forward Pricing Rate Agreements (FPRA), Forward Pricing Rate Recommendations (FPRR), approved Provisional Billing Rates (PBR), or other approved billing rates that have been audited or reviewed and determined acceptable for generating estimates of costs and other data included in proposals submitted to customers.

Include the name, address, phone, and email of the cognizant DCA, DCMA, or CFA office that approved these rates. 

You also need to verify your Purchasing System and Government Facility Clearance, indicating the clearance holders CAGE code, Facility Clearance level (FCL), and the cognizant security office. Verification from DCMA or CFA is essential to prove your purchasing system’s acceptability. 

Volume 5 – Other Certifications 

Volume 5 is your opportunity to showcase any additional certifications that can enhance your proposal. Certifications can set you apart and earn extra credit. 

Volume 6 – Past Performance 

Past performance is a critical component of your Oasis+ proposal. It’s considered only for relevant qualifying projects and should be submitted in the form of CPARs (Contractor Performance Assessment Reports). If no CPARs exist, you can submit attachment J.P-4 Past Performance Rating Form. Your past performance is evaluated as positive, neutral, satisfactory, or negative. A positive evaluation earns you 1 point. 

It’s crucial to emphasize your positive past performance as a testament to your capabilities. Neutral, satisfactory, or negative evaluations may not contribute positively to your proposal. 

Volume 7 – Responsibility 

Volume 7 covers various aspects, including your Professional Employee Compensation Plan, Uncompensated Overtime Policy, Financial Resources, GSA Form 527, SAM Reps and Certs, and Organizational Risk Management Plan. These elements collectively demonstrate your responsibility and commitment in fulfilling the requirements of the Oasis+ proposal. 

If you plan to submit a proposal for Oasis+, it’s wise to assemble your proposal team and start drafting your submission. Keep in mind that the draft is frequently updated, so stay vigilant for changes. 

In summary, the Oasis+ proposal is a multifaceted endeavor with specific requirements for each volume. Understanding these requirements and meeting them effectively can significantly enhance your chances of success. For any questions or further discussion, feel free to engage with our community on the Interact page. We’re here to help you navigate the intricacies of the Oasis+ proposal and ensure your success. 


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