5 reasons GSA contract may NOT be winning government deals

A lot goes into obtaining a GSA Contract. Ensure your company is taking the steps to keep that contracting vehicle not only compliant but also set up in the most advantageous way for your company. It happens often that companies win their GSA award, but later don’t understand why are they not winning any business. While there has to be a business development plan and action, you also need to make sure your contract is set up the right way.

Here are 5 reasons your GSA contract may not be winning:

  1. Buyers cannot see you because your GSA pricelist is not active.
  2. Your contract is not set up with the correct Special Item Number(s).
  3. The contract is not set up in how Government buyers purchase.
  4. Are your products/services over the micro-purchase threshold?
  5. Overall contract compliance.

We drafted for you an action guide that will help you understand and make it easier to decide on the right action. So, what are the actions you need to take?

Download the guide – 5 Reasons your GSA may not be winning you Government business.

Why are we writing about this?

Capitol 50 is a leading consulting firm specializing in GSA Contracting vehicles. Our team is dedicated to staying at the forefront of the evolving landscape of contracting vehicles used by the Federal Government for purchasing. We are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the intricacies of government procurement. With our extensive expertise, innovative approach, and commitment to excellence, we strive to be the trusted partner for companies looking to succeed in the government marketplace.

Few more useful links from our experts

  • GSA MAS Modification: Guidance for Contract Holders
    GSA contract modifications are typically handled through a formal process that involves submitting a request to the GSA. The GSA reviews the proposed changes, ensures they comply with regulations, and if approved, updates the contract accordingly. Overall, a GSA contract modification is a way to make changes to an existing contract with the GSA, allowing companies to adapt and update their agreement to better meet their business needs or comply with new requirements.
  • What is a SIN?
    SINs determine what government agencies can buy from you. If you choose the wrong SINs, you may not be able to sell to the agencies that are most interested in your products or services. On the other hand, if you choose the right SINs, you can increase your chances of winning contracts and generating revenue.
  • Best Practices for Getting Started in Contracting
    There are multiple ways to determine who to sell to in the federal government. Conducting this preliminary research will help you focus on those departments/agencies that are spending the most on what services/products you are offering. It is important to research what the historical spending has been in your service/product area and also determine what is forecast for the upcoming fiscal years. Also, reviewing the department/agency budget plan is a tool to help determine what they are focused on for the upcoming fiscal years.


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