GSA Magic: 5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Business

gsa benefits

Many businesses are drawn into selling to the government because of the many GSA benefits they can take advantage of by obtaining a GSA Schedule.

If executed correctly, GSA Schedules can bring positive growth to your business. Business owners looking for a boost in sales and revenue look to GSA Schedules as a solution to help drive their production and gain loyal customers. Smaller businesses who are looking to grow and prosper have a unique opportunity with GSA Schedules to find opportunities designated just for them.

Essentially, the GSA benefits businesses directly by guiding them through the process of being a successful vendor. The goverment contracting marketplace can be a highly competitive environment, but the rewards are high.

We’ve put together the top 5 GSA benefits that businesses can receive with a GSA Schedule to help you understand the positive affects obtaining a government contract can have on your company.

Receiving a GSA Schedule can be the change your business needs whether you’re looking for a bump in sales or you just want to get your name out there.

These 5 GSA Benefits Will Change Your Business for the Better

1. Gain a Competitive Advantage

With a GSA Schedule under your belt, you’ll be able to gain an advantage on competition outside of the government contracting world. You’ll stand apart from your competition by having the ability to show all the federal agencies you’ve worked with to provide your product or services. Being able to say you’ve worked with a number of federal clients will help put you a step above for prospective customers. Your competitors will be left behind because they aren’t able to show they’ve taken the time to complete the process to obtain a GSA Schedule. You’ll be able to show that you’re able to complete orders of all sizes in a timely manner, and show that your business is more experienced.

2. Monetary Benefits

The biggest draw for many businesses is the monetary reward that can come from a GSA Schedule. One of the GSA benefits is the more than $40 billion that runs through GSA Schedules on average each year. This amount of money equals 10% of the government’s annual budget, and almost guarantees that you’ll see success if you know how to correctly navigate government contracting. Added revenue means it’ll be easier to work on expanding your business and client portfolio. With millions spent within each schedule, it’s easy to see why claiming your piece of the pie is worth it for your business.

3. Ease of Use

Once you get started using the system, another benefit that contract holders take advantage of is the ease of being able to connect with potential customers. The GSA program eliminates the need for discussions on pricing because you’ll set your pricing as part of listing your company on GSA Advantage!. This takes out any stress that comes with trying to negotiate prices. It also means that the process is quicker. By simply being able to choose which business they want to work with based on cause, there’s no need for any back and forth on how to complete the deal. No haggling over prices makes selling simple, and expanding your customer portfolio a cinch.

4. Help Your Business Grow

When you don’t have to hunt, adding more customers to your repertoire becomes an easier, faster process. With the added clients you’ll receive through your schedule, you’ll have a larger client portfolio that you can share with potential customers outside of GSA in order to share your expertise and experience with larger clients. This added knowledge will also help prove to your potential customers that you’ll be able to get the job done. GSA Schedule orders are typically large amounts, so your business will have the proof to back up that you can take on other challenges. Having a GSA Schedule makes it simpler to find new customers and make a sale because it eliminates the bulk of the sales process with pre-negotiated prices and offerings.

5. Save Time

When you’re approved for a GSA Schedule, you establish pricing and what products and services you offer before you start selling, and that makes the process go much quicker. GSA Schedules were designed to be a streamlined process for federal agencies to acquire the products and services they need to keep their offices up to date. The average GSA Schedule order averages 15 days, compared to 268 days in the open market. With the ability to just choose which business to purchase from, the amount of time saved with GSA Schedules opens up opportunities for new businesses to obtain more customers and gain more business through their schedule.


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