Government Deals Made Simple with Consultants

So your firm has decided to step into the government market or maybe you have been in it for awhile and need help taking it to the next level. The next decision is should you hire a government contract consultant or assign someone internally. So how do you know if a consultant can make a difference?

Here are the top things to take into consideration:

1. Any consultant you are considering should do their homework. Meaning they should be able to tell you what path they would recommend for your firm specifically and why. There are a plethora of ways to sell to the Federal Government but our jobs as consultants is to make sure we are steering you down the most profitable path.

2. Review pricing and compare. This does not always mean choosing the cheapest route but taking into account quality, experience and time saved.

3. Know who you are working with. Will you be assigned to a group of people? Will you have one main point of contact?

4. The consultant you choose should be ready and willing to learn your business. This does take time but it is a very important step to being successful.

5. Do your homework. Ask for references, look at reviews, check out what the Better Business Bureau has to say, and look at the company’s incorporation information. We also strongly recommend reviewing their SAM registration for debarment.

Though we do recommend looking at all of the above, each government contract consultant’s plan for your business is what will determine whether or not they can make a difference. Let me give you an example.

Here at GCS one of the first things we do is put together a market research report for each prospect we are working with. We do this as a selling point of course, but we really do it to ensure that we can help that prospect. We take into account the industry they are in and how that is being purchased in the government space. This give our team a good idea of how and if we can help them. We will then present the information to our prospect and tailor a plan for them. Though it is impossible in this industry to guarantee success this allows our team to get as close to that as we can.

Still have questions? Take a look at our resources page or give us a call!


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